Sunday 14 April 2019

Japanese Q1 Build 2019

Japanese Build for Q1 2019:

A set of 75mm AA guns from Butlers Printed Models with Minifigs 12mm WW2 crew.

Close up on Butlers AA gun - decent kit with minimal print lines.

Converted shore guns - Pendraken Italian 90mm AA guns twinned up with Minifigs crew; these are used to represent the later emplacements where ship guns were dismounted from damaged destroyers and cruisers for shore batteries.

Bandage dyed green for camo net, flaked green tea and rescued garden trimmings when my wife was murdering Wisteria for the extra cover on top. Plenty of ammo!.

Business end.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff. Are the Japanese infantry ready as well? The BPM AA guns look good - nice to know the scan lines aren't a problem.

    Cheers, Andy
